Friday, July 13, 2007

In Heat...

...because it is a thousand degrees in New York, and two thousand underground when waiting for the subway

in heat...because my walls are red, my sheets are red and almost everything in my room is red

in heat...because it is Friday the 13th, and six years ago today I left the Motherland to pursue something better

in heat...because I "still haven't found what I'm looking for"

in heat...because even though I want to, Bob Marley is telling me not to cry

in heat...because I am starting to live, think and act, like one of those weird beings called adults

in heat...because becoming one makes me realise that Boys II Men never happens

in heat...because that means I am doomed to have children with a "child" in a bigger body

in heat...because THAT means I am doomed to be a single parent

in heat...because in spite of all that, I have a burning yearning to breastfeed the fruit of my loins

in heat...because every month I discard another warm, comfortable, safe place to grow

...can somebody get me some ice water...or snow...infact, just bring me NOW!


Anonymous said...

People should read this.

tjidzani said...

Hi Leola! Thanks! Tell me why?! -