Sunday, August 5, 2007

"My feet are scraping the sky..."

I am still so incredibly high from my solo road trip accomplishment.

The thing is, from now on, everytime I see a globe, or a map of the whole world, I am going to be able to draw a line representing the distance I drove (all by myself), and not need a magnifying glass to see the line! That's a LINE on the planet Earth! One that I can see with the naked eye!

How small the world is...and therfore not as intimidating...

So this is how it feels to be "on top of the world..."

Saturday, August 4, 2007



just me...and all my material stuff. What?

just me and all my stuff in a small s u v.


just me?

Driving sixteen hundred miles?

Just me?

New York City to Dallas, Texas?

Yeah Baby! Two days and the open road!

Just Me!


What's my name??!!!!!!!!