Friday, June 22, 2007

New York Summer

Summer officially began yesterday, and New York City is dressed to impress in all her colors. There seem to be eight million more people on the streets than usual, and everybody is walking with a spring in their step.

New York City, who ever thought I would call it home?! After a miserable winter which included but was not limited to, slipping and falling down the train station stairs, I was almost ready to pack my bags again and go the heck back where I had come from. But something stopped me. A little voice whispering, "Hang in there. Give the Big Apple a chance."

Then one day I woke up, and it was summer in New York City. As I got dressed in a summery mellow dress and painted my toes pretty pink and skipped and hopped into the streets of Manhattan. The hearty smell of Halal wafting through the air, interupted every block or so, by the familiar scent of that Seattle company's coffee.

Streets go up and down, avenues go left to right, and I go all around the "City that Never Sleeps" wishing I had literally hibernated over the past six months, because I am not going to sleep a wink this summer, with all that New York has in store for me!


Tu said...

It’s magical isn’t it….

Unknown said...

Los Angeles Summer

It's been about 78 degrees for the past 6 weeks. But then again, it was about 72 degrees for the past 4 months. And about 66 4 months before that. The smog isn't too bad. And it's almost beach season! LA is so lovely this time of year! But wait.. LA is this lovely all year long! Am I makin you guys jealous yet? No? I thought not. Well, for you two that get to enjoy the greatest city in the world, I wanted to try and have something on you in my city. But I would put up with the harsh winter to experience that city all year long. And I'm jealous. Maybe in another life, I can be a Big Appler.

tjidzani said...

That is why you are friends with us, Maestro, so you can always come and this life:)

Tu said...

New York is Gna miss you